Issuance of Promissory Note

About the Service
Promissory note is undertaken by concessionaires who for any reason could not pay their water bill as scheduled and will be about to be disconnected. This serves as a written pledge indicating the date of settlement of unpaid water bill. The General Manager or her authorized representative is allowed to approve the Promissory Note. It is valid only on the date agreed upon by the management and the concerned concessionaire.

Availability of the Service
Daily except during Saturdays and Sundays, Holiday
8AM – 12Noon and 1PM – 5PM


Limitations of the Service
This service shall not be extended to concessionaires under the following circumstances:

  1. When the Promissory Note will only be executed on the day the disconnection is about to take place.
  2. When the date of settlement of account overlaps with the ensuing billing of the concessionaire.
  3. For staggered payment of water bill, only the General Manager is allowed to approve the Promissory Note. It is valid only up to the corresponding period as agreed upon by the management and the concerned concessionaire.


How to Avail of the Service

Procedure Time Frame Personnel In-Charge
For payment of water bill after due date   Ms. Genoveva L. Paje
1. Proceed to records officer and request for Promissory Note    
2. Set the date and amount of water bill    
3. Acknowledge the information given 5 – 30 minutes for the entire procedure  
For staggered payment of water bill   GM Lyn P. Villena
1. Proceed to Administration Office to request for staggered payment    
2. Provide the amount and payment period    
3. Compromise/Acknowledge the maximum allowable period required for payment    
4. Take a copy of the Promissory Note for record purposes